The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
Part of the Inzalo run.
Current leader of the Epsilon Team.
Arial almost refused to answer to her call sign. The fact that her utterly resilient ass was always able to endure whatever deathtrap she found herself in, as well as her mind like a steel trap and penchant for the settling of debts seemed to her to be mostly happenstance. But she found herself contacting Drae more and more often for the information and the edge to balance the scale of the week. After one such incursion, she complained about the occasional negativity she got from teammates and superiors alike for her passionate exploits. Drae suggested that maybe it was time to embrace the mantle and all the fear that came with invoking its name. Since then, Karma has worked hard to not just be a bitch, but “The Bitch”. And she uses Epsilon to avenge in Drae’s name … as well as her own.