The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
Somewhat fractous mid-ranked High house, has had some run-ins with Cara, but is now somewhat allied with them, and seeking to get closer to that side of the current power struggle in Chaos. Not for Cara’s sake, but out of respect for Pharaban and wanting to get on the side that will be less likely to bring the negative attention of Pharaban.
Has a more matrilinial tradition, for all that means amongst shapeshifters. (Basically you have to have birthed your heir from your own body, no budding, no egg-laying, but a live birth, so that the line can be verified that way.)
Has always been on the more fluid side of things, is rumored to have had a hand in setting up the Sea of Thought for the Philosophers Guild.
After the epic drinking duel, proposed that all duels be fought that way.
Notable members beyond the House Head and Second (Kairi)