The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
If you want your character to be, for example, a hotshot in mental powers, then bid heavily in Psyche, but don’t neglect Endurance. Combat is determined by Warfare, the last auction, but a good warrior should have some ranking in Strength and Endurance as well.
Here are the hard-and-fast rules of the Attribute Auction.
Ranks are based on the Attribute Auction. Each group of player really sets up their own ladder and therefore their own levels for advancement. With your bids you are making the rank system for this section of this campaign. What you bid will determine how the campaign will be set up. The final results also determine how characters advance later on.
Here’s how it works. Assume the final results for Warfare turns out to be fifth place for 10 points, fourth place for 15 points third place for 19 points second place for 20 points and first place for 22 points. That means buying up Warfare later will have to match those point levels, just ad if they were rungs on a ladder. You couldn’t possible spend 18 points in Warfare. You have to “match” the bidders who bid in the Auction, so you can only spend 15 or 19, but nothing in between.
The initial ladder may have people tied for a place, so there might be 3 people at 19 points. This is just fine. Until people buy up. If you do go up the rung, you will be listed as 3.5 or 2.5 or the like so that the actual 3rd or 2nd rank person can still beat you, since they had that rung from the beginning, but … they might also have bought up at the time you are buying up.