- Aldur: Pouting in his tower
- The Augral: Everywhere
- Circe: Possibly back in Caelin’s home reality, apparently running Earthsea
- CentaurCirce: ?
- DarkStar: Darkover doing world-settling logistics
- Gentleman Suhuy: In Ferethyn-Ways, quietly checking things out
- Serena, Malachi’s sweetie: Pearl, with Malachi
- Bucephalus, Malachai’s horse: In the Forest of Arden, with Bast looking after their child.
- Sparrowhawk, a powerful mage rescued from the dead by Caelin: House Moonlight, studying silence and mageworks.
- Giso The Seer: Darkover, undergoing therapy after tearing his own eyes out.
- Ilaryn (the Badger Babe): from the Badgerverse (named in her people’s honor), hanging out with Ilk there.
- Jodo, Cagliostro’s majordomo: Darkover doing world-settling logistics
- Maximilian: Running his place, and playing tag.
- Random Omegans (Eric, Lars, the like): theoretically in Omega 16
- Tazik the swordmaker: ?
- Vialle, Random’s wife: Cobalt (probably)