The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
A being, individual, or set of beings and/or individuals who were either pulled from the Sea of Chance or descended from those so pulled as tied by the onomastics and the onomaturgy to the house, or desendency line, or bloodline.
Demons were very prevalent, well-regarded, and popular in Chaos until there was a nasty outbreak of them filling up all the movable space, and then the spread of Ilkandacian’s popular Demon Melt Spell, and Jean’s propensity for taking them over dropped them, again, to second-class citizens.
Several well-cultivated Chaos Demon Houses were long-nurtured by various members of the Pit Divers Guild much to their prosperity. Interestinly enough, those that shared their benefits with said Demon Houses often managed to prosper more, due to the willingness, cooperation, and creativity of said houses. Those … less likely to nurture and share, and only take and command, seem to have smaller and smaller pools to pull from as time wended its way onward.
Unfortunately, one of the major casualties of the Shadow Purge was many of the Demon Houses that had their holdings on the descent into the Abyss. Many ancient and venerable houses were lost, along with all of their members.
For a while, it was even vogue in the Slavers Guild to research and find the appropriate onomaturgical incantation, to bend Demons to their will and whim. Alas, that seems to have caused … difficulties for many of the Slavers who walked that path, and Shadow is full of instructional stories about how often that goes awry. Osric will politely change the subject, should those tales come up in his hearing. One would be wise to note that his is both a member of the Pit Divers and Rimfisher Guild and had ties to more than one of the Demon Houses that were obliterated in the closing of the Abyss.