The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
Son of Flora and Rainbow. Half-brother to Silver Lyra, Jackie, Connor, and Amaranth Sinclair.
Multi-homed eternally five-year-old master of Un-Life. The Prophet of (Auntie) Verra and the Unicorn. Steward of Amber. Head of House Swayvill. Apprentice to Dworkin (in the Jester’s Guild of Amber.) Former Realms Lord.
Jean was born approximately ten (fifteen?) years ago by the Amber clock, but walked the Primal Pattern when he was five. His thought processes have evolved since then, but he cannot be said to have “grown up”. A shadow of his old coloring book can be found here.
Prominent Jeans:
Swayvill - the head of House Swayvill is the Jean with the appropriate ring
Notable allies:
Jean survived the Shadow Purge relatively unscathed because of his extremely high warfare when Maximilian was wielding Uber-Mjolnir.