

The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber

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The HamsterVerse is a promontory originally located via a rift from the Courts. It was between the PC’s local reality and Vanir’s Wrath, and the home of a massive manufacturing facility.

The HamsterVerse itself is a massive promontory, at least as large as a galaxy. It includes multiple worlds with vast distances between them, many of which have science-fictional levels of technology.

There were a set of 17 Powers in the HamsterVerse, of which some are destroyed. None of these powers are terribly impressive on the Amber scale; they include creating loaves and fishes, and the use of a rope that climbs straight up. In several cases, Jean is now the only wielder of these powers.

The HamsterVerse was contaminated with local Pattern through the Hamsterites, when Hamster Dworkin drew a copy of the Pattern with a hamster-scale Jewel of Judgement. This Pattern is located on the same planet the known rifts were on. Part of a Logrus Blade brought by Ilk fragmented off and formed a diffuse astronomical body, creating a Nebula Logrus to balance the new Pattern.

There is more information on the Hamsterites.