“Alas, poor Oberon, I knew him, Ferro.”
A complicated man, and everyone disliked him but his ladies. Now deceased. With Malice Aforethought.
Son of Dworkin and the Unicorn, husband to many and dysfunctional father to many more. King of Amber for millenia. Established the Golden Circle Kingdoms. Ruled long (and some would say well) from his throne. Established that “No fratricide will ever sit on my throne.” which proved, ultimately, to be wrong. Had a thing against family members being with (much less procreating with) other family members. While he was on the throne, it was (mostly) observed by those aware of his edict, and/or the parentage of their particular partners.
Almost all of the Amberites trace their lineage through Oberon to Dworkin.
- Cymnea - marriage removed ab initio and later assassinated. Presumably by Oberon, Faiella, or her family since there was never an investigation.
- Osric - Deceased. Presumed dead “for the good of Amber”, possibly in a traying accident.
- Finndo - Deceased. Presumed dead “for the good of Amber”, possibly in a traying accident.
- Benedict Not in the line of succession, and has traying PTSD.
- Faiella - Marriage after Eric was born, and proved that he could successfuly walk the Pattern. Eric was at least concieved while Oberon was married to Cymnea, and possibly born. Timelines vary. Died birthing Deirdre.
- Eric - Deceased. Killed by Norton.
- Corwin - It’s … complicated. And he has a number of decendents.
- Deirdre - Alive, well, was helping Corwin rule Pearl, no longer hiding from Oberon. Now King in Amber with Auricle as Pattern Master and possibly Regent.
- Rilga - Affair that produced offspring
- Caine - Born a bastard, but acknowledged, later, by Oberon, after walking the Pattern. Very dead (not coming back/scaled dead).
- Clarissa - Married after Faiella’s death. Sometimes referred to as The Woman. Once and Future Queen. Now Deceased. Well … unmade by Shiryu
- Queen Moins - Affair while married to Clarissa, possibly for spite. Later killed (possibly by Clarissa, also for spite).
- Llewella - Might be still around, but Rebma is gone. Born a bastard, but later acknowledged, as much as a woman under Oberon has ever been.
- Clarissa - Still in wedlock (or other lock). Still trying to find the key to Oberon’s power.
- Rilga - Marriage this time, after the separation, and divorce from Clarissa.
- Julian - Keeps getting himself killed, often in unfortunate ways, by pissing other people off.
- Gerard - Dotting father, but might be missing at the moment.
- Dybele - Sent to Amber as a spy. It is unclear if the marriage was because she fell in love, or if it was part of her cover. She always did have a strange understanding of Rose so it might have been both.
- Florimel - aka Flora. Almost always under-estimated. Usually by her own efforts. Has strong ties to both courts.
- Paulette AKA Damiana - Damiana left Cobalt to look for her cousin Paulette, and found Oberon. Since “Paulette” was the only word they had in common, he thought it was her name. Dead, but her ghost has shacked up with another ghostly relative, and they are bringing a baby ghost into existance.
- Random - Hanging out in Cobalt with the love of his life and wife Vialle.
- Mirelle - Died, walking the pattern too soon, with no instruction. At least, that’s the story.
Oberon has two known half-siblings:
- Clarissa - Finally found the progenitor of Oberon, and convinced Dworkin to mate and make a child with her.
- Gwen - Multiple Ressurection points threat to all of the Amberverse.
- Suhuy and Darkstar - Yes, with his brother and the bug.
- Ferro Marz - Brought into this world (via Marzipan) to scold and clean up after Oberon.