

The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber

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“Alas, poor Oberon, I knew him, Ferro.”

A complicated man, and everyone disliked him but his ladies. Now deceased. With Malice Aforethought.

Son of Dworkin and the Unicorn, husband to many and dysfunctional father to many more. King of Amber for millenia. Established the Golden Circle Kingdoms. Ruled long (and some would say well) from his throne. Established that “No fratricide will ever sit on my throne.” which proved, ultimately, to be wrong. Had a thing against family members being with (much less procreating with) other family members. While he was on the throne, it was (mostly) observed by those aware of his edict, and/or the parentage of their particular partners.

Almost all of the Amberites trace their lineage through Oberon to Dworkin.

Oberon has two known half-siblings: