The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
A red-head from the “Far southern shadows”, once wife to Oberon and his Queen in Amber, working her way up from Benedict through Oberon eventually to Dworkin himself. Then, as a sanity check, back down to Oberon again. One-time ruler of Darkover via the Overworld, mistress of The Matrix/Life Magic. Clarissa was the opposite and enemy of Titania.
She is the mother to the Amberites Rivka and Alhaserus with Benedict. Then, working her way upstream, had Fiona, Bleys, and Brand with Oberon. She then continued up the inheritance waterfall, and had Gwen with Dworkin. This was quite the disturbing interlude, so, as a sanity check on herself, had Mikail via Oberon again. She also contributed quite a bit to the countless non-Amberite redheads, due to being so fecund. The only members of the Oberon and Clarissa line known to survive are Felice and Faythe (who is the current mistress of Darkover).
Oh, and her son Mikail HATES her, to depths and breadths that most people cannot understand.
A secret (or not so secret, depending) ally of Toram and Gwen, although considered an ally by the PCs for some time. Pronounced a traitor to reality by Shiryu, and unmade, after draining the life, skills, and power out of all of those of her line that she could reach and pull from, during an attack on Darkover.