

The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber

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Oberon and Faiella’s youngest daughter, younger sister to Eric and Corwin. Mother of Cassandra. King in Amber.

and then there was a black-haired girl with the same blue eyes, and her hair hung long and she was dressed all in black, with a girdle of silver about her waist. My eyes filled with tears, why I don’t know. Her name was Deirdre. [Nine Princes in Amber]

Deirdre kept the Jewel from falling over the side with Brand, and was thought to be mortally wounded in the process. In reality, Corwin smuggled her into Pearl where she remained for some time. There, she helped to raise her daughter Cassandra and build a relationship with Malachai, when he came there to retire from Amber politics and activities. After Oberon’s death, and the end of Oberon’s edict about incest, and some convincing from both Cassandra and Corwin, she has taken her rightful place as King of Amber, after verifying that, indeed, she could walk the new Pattern. She appointed Auricle as Regent, and went off to clean up some of the mess her Aunt has left behind.

Deidre’s acknowledged offspring include:

See also the shadows her name has cast.