The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
The Early Days of the Game. The surviving documentation of this age is Captain Sir Malachai’s journals.
The early game includes:
From one character’s POV:
Norton woke up from a state of unconsciousness in the center of the Spiral with vague recollections of a large explosion from the vicinity of Merlin and the thirty-five mages of Cobalt. I turned around and found myself facing an exact copy of myself, including a copy of the “happy helmet”, all of my mind friends, and the trumps borrowed from an undisclosed source in Amber, but not Greyswandir and the Jewels of Judgment. We were doing mirror image movements of each other. It became apparent that the malevolent force formerly possessing my body was gone. It also became apparent that all of the mages, Carlton, Damia, and Corwin were dead. There was no trace of Merlin. Several Things were eating Carlton and were displeased when I tried to animate him so they attacked. After a brief thwapping from both of us they left us alone. There was not enough of Carlton to raise, but I was able to raise a zombie of Corwin, although not a very good one because its brain was fried. Damia’s soul was gone so she could not be raised.
This time is also known as “Malachi and the color-coded scary little girls”.
The “early days” ended with Oberon’s infamous Locked Room party.