The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
Faiella, princess of the royal family in Begma was Oberon’s first recorded experiment to see if his blood-line was tied to his House in Chaos, or if he could produce heirs elsewhere. A dalliance with one family that seemed to have enough longevity as well as royalty to begin to build alliances, as well as power for his rapidly growing Kingdom. Fortunately, or unfortunately as the case may be, his dalliance (which produced Eric) happened while he was still married to Cymnea.
Because of the insistance of her family, Cymnea’s marriage was dissolved “Ab Initio” so none of the previous children (Benedict, Osric, or Finndo) nor their heirs were in line for the throne.
Perhaps, as a slight consideration, though, Eric was never acknowledged, not that that changed either Eric’ or Neville’s claim on the throne.
Mother of:
Begma is no more, obliterated by Realms Master Shiryu when he was investigating the rise of Gwen and wiped it to its foundation. log
There is speculation that Gwen targeted Begma specifically because of what Faiella meant to Oberon.