The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber
Early in Amber’s history, Oberon’s children Osric and Finndo died “For the Good of Amber” after Oberon dissolved his marriage with their mother, Cymnea.
The most popular story of their demise is this: Oberon’s children were fond of traying down the mountain stairway on Kolvir (sitting on a tray and sledding down the stairs). The bumping down the stairs kept waking Oberon up from his late-night celebrations with his new wife Faiella, so one night Oberon took extreme steps.
The next morning, before dawn, Oberon’s three sons started traying down the stairs as usual. However, Oberon had changed Amber such that the Great Stairway now had turns instead of being straight the whole way down - and Finndo and Osric sailed over the edge, followed by Benedict’s tray as the youngest brother held onto the stairway by the tips of his fingers.
So that’s how Finndo and Osric died - for the good of Amber.
(This story is probably a complete fabrication, and was spread by Bridget/Rivka, but is still the most popular story.)