

The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber

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Clarissa’s granddaughter, Bleys’s daughter, Brand’s lover. Mother of Faythe, Brandt, Brendhyn Hastur, and Felice, all with Brand. Perhaps she was inspired by the Cobalt Family Bush.

The post-disk crash remnants of Celeste’s journals are at

Celeste was a Trump artist extraordinare, and the highest ranking psyche of her generation.

After Pattern Fall, Celeste either rescued or recreated Brand from Faerie. It is rumored that this is the first instances of someone being pulled back from the Jewel of Judgement.

Celeste unintentionally became the Trump Unabomber, and was responsible for Merlin’s death on the Spiral by trumping him through his block and distracting him in the middle of a ritual to purge Toram from Norton. The resulting catacylsm killed several members of the Cobaltean Royal Family, duplicated Norton (and Greyswandir, and Dworkin’s trump deck), and infected the Spiral with Toram.

Celeste died with Brand, defending Darkover from a Chaosian suicide mission led by Princess Chandra.