

The expanding Amberverse from dkap-amber

View the Project on GitHub mrdkap/Amber

Cobaltean Royal Family


  1. Ages are as of the introduction of Cobalt, two time jumps and one Spiral boom ago, needs much updating.
  2. Many Cobalteans have the same name as other Real people, but the Benedict ‘‘is’’ Benedict of Amber.
  3. There are new Cobalteans, and some of the people on this list are dead or missing.
  4. Missing and dead Cobalteans are in italics; those of the Blood of Amber are in color.

The Cobalt Family Bush is more graphic, but outdated:

Cobalt Family Bush

This is a newer dot-generated picture (dot -Tsvg CobalteanRoyalFamily.gv -o CobalteanRoyalFamily.svg) from the Cobalt Royal Family Bush GV file, but still needs updating with the information in the picture above:

Cobalt Royal Family Bush from dot

