The Before Time
- Waves of primal chaos wash from the Sea of Chance across the Courts of Chaos (otherwise known as the body of the Serpent of Chaos. Various things reset.
- Old Lords re-emerging from the Sea of Chance set up a structure of Houses and Guilds creating what is now known as the Courts of Chaos, sometimes known as “The Courts” or “Chaos”.
- Clarissa arrives relatively early; Shiryu (in an alternate universe) later says that she predates him.
- Dworkin Barimen is the Guildmaster of the Crafters Guild.
- At some point, Dworkin (normally male and a shapeshifter) and the Unicorn (also male and ‘‘not’’ a shapeshifter) father Oberon.
- The Unicorn and the Serpent fight, and after the Serpent loses an eye it’s really not fun and games.
Dworkin Draws the Pattern
- Dworkin travels to the Primal Amber/Kolvir Promontory and draws the Primal Pattern, creating Shadow.
- The act of drawing the pattern drives Dworkin insane, a state he will remain in for millenia. It is rumored that this mental state was, possibly deliberately, created by his son Oberon.
- The Pattern creates Shadow out of formlessness, linking Kolvir and the Courts of Chaos. The material that is Shadow also traps other, mostly unrelated, promontories in place in the ‘local’ universe.
- Oberon founds the Kingdom of Amber.
- Castle Amber is deliberately built without bathrooms. Later, Oberon’s children will deal with the lack of bathrooms in their own ways.
- Oberon marries Cymnea, and has Osric, Finndo, and Benedict with her.
- Oberon finds a fault with his marriage with Cymnea, and has it dissolved “ab initio” after Eric walks the Pattern. Faiella gives birth to Eric (before his previous marriage is dissolved), Corwin, and Deirdre. Faiella dies in childbirth with Deirdre.
- While married to Faiella, Oberon has Caine with Rilga during his affair with her.
- Osric and Finndo die “For the Good of Amber”. (Possibly while traying down Mount Kolvir and keeping Oberon awake, but probably not.)
- Oberon marries Clarissa, and they have Fiona, Bleys, and Brand. Clarissa leaves Oberon while pregnant with Mikail, and raises Mikail without Oberon’s knowledge.
- Oberon is blood cursed at least once; after this, when he bleeds Amber’s moon collects blood.
- Caine and Corwin take turns running the underworld of Amber as the Left Hand and the Right Hand
- Amber City is burned down a few times and rebuilt by its inhabitants.
- Tazik’s great-great-grandfather makes Greyswandir for Corwin
- Oberon and Rilga have two more sons, Julian and Gerard, this time while legitimately married.
- Oberon and Dybele have a daughter, Florimel (“Flora”), during their marriage.
- Oberon meets Damiana, who is searching shadow for her sister Paulette. Language difficulties and the intershadow language of love lead to Damiana becoming “Queen Paulette”, and giving birth to Random and Mirelle.
- Oberon’s last wife, “Paulette”, apparently dies. Soon after, his youngest daughter Mirelle dies on the Pattern.
- According to a later “Brand” (possibly of Faerie), Brand apprentices himself to Gwen, giving her some control over him. According to Celeste, this control includes emotions and memories, and directly leads to the events of Pattern Fall.
- Benedict fights and woos Lintra of House Hendrake. Lintra is killed, but gives birth to Triumph before then. Benedict loses a large portion of his left arm.
- After Brand goes insane after walking the Logrus, Borel is elected King of Chaos. Soon after, the Courts declares war on Amber leading to the events of Pattern Fall.