This is a dot-generated picture (dot -Tsvg LocalAmberFamily.gv -o LocalAmberFamily.svg) from the Local Amber Family GV file. To expand out the blue “Cobaltfolk” or more information about Paulette or Kieron, see the Cobaltean Royal Family Bush. While the below is (as close to) age order as I can tell (and there are gaps) the succession list is different.
- An oval is missing
- A black sqare is in a scale of the Serpent, or leaf of the Kraken dead.
- A red square is dead in the Jewel of Judgement.
- A green square is dead in Norton’s Head.
- A blue square means see also Cobalt.
- First Generation (Dworkin)
- Second Generation (Children of Dworkin)
- Third Generation (Grandchildren of Dworkin)
- Fourth Generation (Great-grandchildren of Dworkin)
- Fifth Generation (Great-great-grandchildren of Dworkin)
- Sixth Generation (Great-great-great-grandchildren of Dworkin)
- Seventh Generation (Great-great-great-great-grandchildren of Dworkin)
Who is Where Amberites
- Dworkin: the Badgerverse with Wonder Dworkin, Alice, Jean’s s Whale, and the whagons.
- Oberon: Dead in the Jewel killed with malice aforethought.
- Benedict: Courts working for Cyndia.
- Misunderstood (Nee Evil) Benedict: meditating somewhere with Hamster Dworkin and those learning Dworkinetics.
- Osric: Presumed dead for the good of Amber, possibly in traying incident.
- Finndo: Presumed dead for the good of Amber, possibly in traying incident.
- Eric: Jewel of Judgement, repeatedly killed by Norton most recently.
- Rivka: (aka Bridget/Paprika) Sea of Chance by her own volition, to avoid Oberon’s punishment for breaking his laws.
- Corwin (Clown Prince): Ygg still stomping about and being all pissy.
- Corwin (Sandy): Ruling Pearl, and keeping separate.
- Ingold: Missing in the Void, and the target of a fishing experiment.
- Deirdre: Hunting the rumored resurrection (#6) of Gwen in Pearl, and is currently King of Amber with Auricle as Regent.
- Hillbilly Deirdre: The Goth member of Hillbilly Amber made it through to local reality. Whereabouts unknown for some time. Rumored to have been haning out in a restaurant halfway down a cliff face.
- Caine: Scaled and Dead for Dragon slaying and destroying an alternate Chaos belonging to the Winged Wyrm.
- K’rin: Jewel of Judgement, died saving Caine (and Raven).
- Raven: House Cara at the party. Occasionally going outside for a Warriors’ Guild duel to make sure nothing in Cara gets broken in the process.
- Johann: (aka Sir Erik) Missing in the Shadow Purge, and so is his donkey.
- Alhaserus: (a.k.a. The Wandering Jew) In Darkover doing world-settling logistics.
- Fiona: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover as a Grey Sphere.
- Bleys: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover as a Grey Sphere.
- JanusOfIngold: Darkover doing world-settling logistics.
- LlewellaOfOberon: Blinded, muted, spayed, cut off from all power sources possible, and awaiting her fate after trying to take over the Courts.
- BrandOfOberon: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover , after dying by falling into the Abyss, being resurrected by Celeste as possibly the first rescue from the Jewel.
- CaeralethienOfLlewella: Chopped to bits in the Rebma Debacle.
- Frodrich: Showed up (reluctantly) for Deirdre’s coronation, and then disappeared back to wherever he was hiding, far away from Family.
- Neville: (a.k.a. King Eric II of Amber and the Great Savior of the Golden Circle Kingdoms) Died in the Pattern Redraw at the end of the Shadow Purge. Theoretically in the eye-socket of the Serpent, to be reunited with family when the Eye of the Serpent is returned.
- Florimel: (Flora) The Courts of Chaos last seen helping restructure The Courts.
- IseultOfAlhaserus: Darkover at the AngryChildrenTea.
- Julian: Jewel of Judgement, although he’s been killed a few times now.
- Gerard: Missing in the Shadow Purge.
- NazirdinOfIngold: Darkover doing world-settling logistics.
- Zacharias: (Zach) Amber helping re-stablize the Golden Circle.
- RandomOfOberon (both): Cobalt talking to/with himself, and anyone else he can weird out, with his wife VialleOfRebma.
- Celeste: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover.
- MirelleOfOberon: Presumed dead after walking the pattern badly.
- MartinOfRandom: The Egg Place helping with the hatching and the teaching, and keeping Al-NazirOfNazirdin in line.
- GilOfJanus: Darkover doing world-settling logistics.
- Laetatio: HouseMoonlight.
- RhiannonOfFiona: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover.
- ConnorOfFiona: Was in the garden of Castle Amber as a massively time-slowed statue, but went missing sometime during Evil Benedict’s reign as King.
- TabithaOfFlorimel: Darkover at the AngryChildrenTea.
- The Archivist: HouseMoonlight running the house as house second.
- Malachai: Pearl.
- Caelin: CobaltPromontory dealing with the wearing of the reality there.
- CaelinOfLaetatio (backup copy): Grey Sphere on the desk of Princess Chandra in the AssassinsGuild.
- (ex-) CaelinOfLaetatio: SeaOfChance and expiated due to a fungo-bat.
- Alistair: dead, inside the Jewel of Judgement due to saving his father from Mikail.
- AbsalomOfGil: Darkover doing world-settling logistics.
- VelariaOfGerard: Whereabouts Unknown.
- Al-Nazir: Darkover doing world-settling logistics.
- TalosOfRandomAdopted: Darkover at the AngryChildrenTea.
- JackieOfFlorimel: Darkover at the AngryChildrenTea.
- Dara: Courts of Chaos in the care of the healers guild?
- TheraatOfVale: Whereabouts Unknown. Theraat is originally from an alternate universe; her father Vale is the son of that universe’s Caine.
- Faythe: Ferethyn’s ways at tea.
- FeliceOfBrand: FerethynsWays at tea.
- MikailOfOberon: In a scale, held by Shiryu for later study.
- BrandtOfBrand: CourtsOfChaos outside the door that LlewellaOfOberon is behind.
- Brendhyn Hastur: Missing, orchestrated by LlewellaOfOberon.
- Merlin: Blown to bits in the Spiral Explosion.
- Amaranth: Darkover Running the Mages Guild.
- CathrynOfRandom: dead in the Jewel, after Gwen’s guardian hound was gated into her room in Rebma.
- DesiliraOfBrandt: Used up for Clarissa defending Darkover.
- ValdynOfFaythe: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover.
- RobertoOfBrendhyn: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover.
- Cassandra: Pearl.
- CharynnaOfBrandt: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover.
- AlicynaOfBrendhyn: Used up by Clarissa defending Darkover.
- Jean: Everywhere except Pearl.
- PaulOfFerenc (skatepunk): Darkover doing world-settling logistics.
- KieronOfCaelin: SerpentsAntechamber being babysat.
- Ferro: Died in the Pattern Redraw at the end of the Shadow Purge. Theoretically in the eye-socket of the Serpent, to be reunited with family when the Eye of the Serpent is returned.
- BartOfSamantha: Smear on the floor of the Assassans Guild thanks to the Black Council.
- WhendyOfFerro: Missing in Shadow Purge.
- DuncanOfGerard: NortonsHead dead, but there anyway.
- HenryOfSamantha: Darkover helping his mother, and in day-care.
- ShannonOfRandom: NortonsHead dead, but there anyway.
- BeldanOfBrandt: Soul entangled with Kipo before birth, so with the children of Cobalt.
Currently unknowable age order:
I don’t know the age-order of these … help?
- Gwen: In the process of Resurrection Number 6 (Unless King Deirdre has a say in the matter. (Somewhere between Brand and Mikail)
- HubertOfCorwin: In the Jewel of Judgement awaiting re-construction by Norton, Court Necromancer, disassembled at the Assassins Guild by the Black Council. (While Corwin didn’t have his memory on Shadow Earth I believe)
- RolandOfCorwin: Darkover doing world-settling logistics. (From another chord, so hard to tell)
- SamanthaOfHubert: Darkover running her city, Terra Port. (Not that far in the past, since she thinks herself not overly old for a human, well within her peers age.)
- CallaOfJanus: Darkover doing world-settling logistics. (check with the player)
- FerencNadasdyOfRaven (vampire): Darkover doing world-settling logistics. (Have to figure out Norton’s timeline, and when Raven might have been fighing with K’rin)
- Gerard’s as yet unnamed “evil” son: Missing in the Shadow Purge.